Durum Semolina vs Regular Flour: Which is the best overall?

Wheat is one of the most widely consumed grains on the planet. This is because this Triticum family grass has adapted to a variety of environments, grows in a variety of species, and can be cultivated all year.
Durum wheat and whole wheat are two of the most commonly used wheat species in foods such as Indian bread, bread, pasta, noodles, couscous, and baked goods.
Durum wheat, botanically known as Triticum turgidum, is widely used in the preparation of various types of kinds of pasta and is the world’s second most cultivated species of wheat after the common wheat variety.
Durum wheat is typically planted in the spring and harvested in the fall, and it is well adapted to the hot and dry climate. Durum wheat grains can be ground into semolina, a coarse flour that is commonly used in pasta and couscous. They can also be ground into finer flour to make unleavened bread or pizza dough, or used to make breakfast cereals and puddings.
A large portion of the population isn’t familiar with durum wheat and the ones who do not really know the benefits of durum wheat semolina often end up comparing durum wheat with Maida (Refined Flour) and Wheat flour.
What is the difference between Durum Wheat Semolina and Regular Flour?

Semolina Flour vs White Flour
White flour is made by milling grains with stones or steel wheels and then bleaching them, whereas semolina flour is made with steel rollers and is made from coarse durum wheat kernels that have been ground into flour.
Semolina flour has similar nutritional content to all-purpose flour, but it is ground a little coarser, giving anything made with it a slightly sturdier texture. Semolina flour is more golden and darker than all-purpose flour, with an earthy aroma.
Semolina Flour vs Regular Wheat Flour
Durum wheat has a higher protein content than soft wheat varieties. Durum wheat is milled, and the most nutritious parts of the grain are ground into semolina. Wheat flour is made by removing the bran or outer shell from the wheat berry and grinding the seed into a flour-like consistency.

Durum Wheat and Nutrition (100 grams)
- Calories: 339 Kcal
- Carbohydrates: 71.13 grams
- Protein: 13.7 grams
- Fat: 2.5 grams
- Calcium: 34 milligrams
- Iron: 3.5 grams
- Magnesium: 144 milligrams
- Phosphorus: 508 grams
How does it benefit pregnant mothers?
High in folate
Durum wheat is high in folate. Folate (folic acid) is a B vitamin that’s important during pregnancy. It plays a crucial role in the healthy development of the baby. It is also known to keep neural tube defects like spina bifida at bay.
A single cup of durum wheat semolina in its raw form contains 306 micrograms of folate. Pregnant women usually need 400 micrograms of folic acid per day.
Low glycemic index
The glycemic index of durum wheat pasta is significantly lower than that of regular wheat pasta. Durum wheat pasta has a glycemic index of 47, while common wheat pasta has a glycemic index of 68.
A glycemic index is a number that indicates how fast your body can digest a particular food and convert it to blood sugar. Some research suggests that eating foods with a lower glycemic index may be beneficial to diabetics.
Protein-rich food
Every cell of our body contains proteins and they keep each cell in the body active and moving. Eating foods high in protein helps you lose weight, repair, and build muscles and tissues, stimulate metabolism, maintain structural framework, and maintain fluid balance. Protein is made up of amino acids, many of which are produced by your body. However, nine amino acids must be obtained from the food you consume. Wheat durum semolina is high in protein but low in saturated fat, unlike meat. Protein is essential for maintaining our overall health.
Lutein Rich
Lutein content is higher in durum wheat containing roughly twice as much as bread wheat. Lutein is a carotenoid or nutrient found in a variety of foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. They may have numerous health benefits, particularly for your eyes. According to some experts, lutein may help to improve or even prevent age-related eye problems, which can cause loss of vision.
Other Benefits of Durum Wheat
High fiber content
Flour contains more fiber than normal wheat flour. A fiber-rich diet has numerous advantages including reduced cholesterol, lesser chances of developing colorectal cancer, better bowel movement, and it keeps you feeling full for a longer time.
Experts recommend consuming 25 to 38 grams of fiber per day and durum wheat semolina is a very good natural food that is high in fiber.
Good for weight loss
Durum semolina flour is high in protein and fiber which aids in slow digestion and it maintains a feeling of fullness thus reducing the intake of junk food in between meals. Increased protein in the diet is also known to support weight loss.
High in iron
Iron deficiency is one of the causes of anemia or a low number of red blood cells. Iron is a required component of blood. Iron is obtained by the body through the foods we consume. Adult men should consume 8 milligrams of iron per day, while adult women should consume 18 milligrams per day. A 100 mg of durum wheat semolina contains 3.5 grams of Iron.
It is recommended that pregnant women get 27 milligrams of Iron per day from a combination of food sources.
Durum wheat semolina contains nonheme iron due to its plant origin. You can increase the amount of nonheme iron absorbed by your body by including durum semolina in your daily diet. You can also add foods rich in Vitamin C along with Semolina, as it is known to help in the absorption of Iron.

Which is better-Durum Wheat or Common Flour?
Though these flours have a similar nutritional profile, durum wheat semolina is a much better option. There are several health benefits to eating semolina that you are probably unaware of after reading this blog. Firstly, semolina contains a lot of protein, with nearly 6 grams per serving! It is also high in B vitamins, such as folate and thiamine, which aid in energy production and brain function. Another advantage comes from Selenium in semolina which acts as an antioxidant to help prevent heart disease!
However, it is best to use flours specifically made for each food item, according to their coarseness and their stretchability. Durum wheat semolina is best when used to make pasta, pizzas, soups, cookies, and pudding. Whereas, regular flours are a better option when you want to bake bread or Indian rotis.

These were some benefits of Durum Wheat Semolina Flour.
Buy Danfe’s Durum Wheat Semolina Flour from supermarkets and stores near you and add this wonderful ingredient to your daily diet to consume foods that are protein and fiber-rich.
At Danfe, our products are made with immense love and are powered by the goodness of natural ingredients. Our products are unadulterated and ethically sourced from the finest farms and fields, ensuring our customers the best in quality and authenticity.
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